Prokofiev, Dvořák and Bacewicz

Saturday 3rd May

7:30pm • Christ Church

  • Grażyna Bacewicz, Overture
  • Antonin Dvořák, Violin Concerto, with Sharon Zhou
  • Sergei Prokofiev, Symphony No. 7


Saturday, May 03

Christ Church
Bacewicz, Dvořák, and Prokofiev
  • Grażyna Bacewicz – Overture
  • Antonin Dvořák - Concerto, Violin, op.53, B.96, A minor
  • Sergei Prokofiev - Symphony no. 7

Saturday, Jun 14

Spinney Theatre
Film Night

  • Richard Strauss - Introduction from “Also Sprach Zarathustra” (2001: A Space Odyssey)
  • John Williams – Suite from “Jaws”
  • Howard Hanson – Symphony no 2 “The Romantic” – (Alien)
  • Ennio Morricone - L'Ultima Diligenza di Red Rock from “The Hateful Eight”
  • Malcolm Arnold – No Love for Johnnie: Suite
  • Joe Hisaishi - Symphonic Variation “Merry-go-round” from "Howl's Moving Castle"
  • John Williams - Three Pieces from Star Wars

Sunday, Jul 13

Christ Church
2024 25 Exclusive Friends of the NSO Concert and Reception

A concert and afternoon reception exclusive to the Friends of the NSO and guests. We will again feature the NMPAT soloists competition winner.

About us

Founded in 1893, the Northampton Symphony Orchestra is widely regarded as one of the United Kingdom's top amateur symphony orchestras. Our membership is drawn from excellent amateurs, teachers, former professional musicians and students in and around Northamptonshire. Most members have achieved at least Grade VIII on their instrument.

With Musical Director, John Gibbons, we perform regularly in Northampton's many classical music venues with top professional soloists in repertoire that encompasses all styles of classical music. Rehearsals usually take place on a Wednesday evening during school term time.

We are supported by an active and flourishing Friends' scheme that provides many exclusive benefits for supporters.

The Northampton Symphony Orchestra's excellence in amateur music making has led to invitations to play in various local music festivals (such as the one celebrating local composer, Malcolm Arnold and the Northampton Music Festival) and collaborations with other local music ensembles.

Friends of NSO

It is said you can’t buy friendship, but you can buy exclusive membership to the NSO Friends’ Scheme. Why not pay for a friend to become a Friend? It’s a great gift to give.

For a minimum donation of £25 a year, you can become a Friend of the orchestra. There are a number of exclusive benefits available through the Friends’ scheme, and your contribution plays an important part in funding our concerts and securing the orchestra’s future. As a Friend, you will receive:

  • Two free tickets to the Friends’ concert and buffet
  • A discount on all concert tickets (including the season ticket)
  • Regular NSO newsletters about forthcoming concerts
  • A free programme each concert
  • Your name printed in our programmes and website

A heart-felt thank you goes to

Join us

We're currently on the look-out for violinists, violists, bassists, percussionists, and a harpist.

We maintain an active deputies/wait list for other sections. If you are interested in joining the orchestra please contact us.